Family Fun Day Event
Map Unavailable
Date(s) - 07/16/2017
11:00 am - 4:00 pm
Auburn Oaks Senior Living
Entrance Cost:
- 1 can of food or non-perishable item
Bring your family for a day of food, fun and special features:
- Health and Disaster Preparedness Tent
- Local Fire and Police Departments
- American Red Cross
- Queens in Attendance
- Baked Goods
- Yard Sale
- Story Hour
- Face Painting
- Bounce Houses
- Lots of Fun and Games
Vendor Booths Available:
When purchasing your vendor booth, on the Checkout Page click the “Proceed to Paypal” button and go to the next window to pay with your credit card.
- Regular Booth Space – $225
Buy Booth Space Today - Health Tent Booth Space – $100 (SOLD OUT)